2004 Year In Review

Whew!  What a year!  Kristine has done most of the updates to www.ryuns.com, so I figured this would be a good time for me to make an entry.  Since the winters are a little slow up here, and we've been busy with a lot of 'uninteresting' stuff, we don't have any cool new pictures to post.  I figured a "2004 year in review" was a good thing to do.  It seems like this past year has been NUTS, so allow me to recap.  Oh, and by the way...I'll include a picture below each 'entry' that links to pictures from that entry.


Ok, so this wasn't exactly in 2004, but on 27 Dec 2003, Kristine and I became Husband and Wife.  I think that is definitely mentionable material for this topic.  We were in Wisconsin for that.  Oh, and I won the 2003 Communications and Information Professional Airman of the Year.  Yay.

For our Honeymoon, we went to the big island of Hawaii in January.  That sure was nice.  It was only in the 70s while we were there, but it was -30 here in Alaska while we were gone.  So if you think about it, we were 100 degrees warmer!  Rock on!

February, nothing happened that was all that exciting.  I guess we had our 1st Valentines Day together.  At the time, we were still living downtown Anchorage.  In March, we moved on base.  K's mom and grandma came up and helped with that.  It was their first trip to Alaska.  With our new house, came our dogs!  Duke and Aly moved in the same day we did.  We couldn't wait to get them home.  I also "re-enlisted" for another 4 years in the Air Force.  We did the re-enlistment in the Air Traffic Control Tower, here on Elmendorf Air Force Base.  It was a snowy/cloudy day, so the view was kinda crappy, but traditionally the ceremony is supposed to be in a "high" location, so that had to do.

April is very-much still winter here in Alaska.  We were pretty stir-crazy by then, so we took a road-trip, with the dogs, to Valdez, Alaska.  It was just somewhere we haven't been yet.  There wasn't much to see there, but the food was good, and it was a nice relaxing trip.  Vice President Dick Cheney came by Elmendorf, so K and I went and saw him.  He had some inspirational words to say to the Airmen up here.  Good guy, I'm glad he's a boss of mine.  Oh, and I won the Airman of the Quarter award, (Jan-Mar).

In May, Kristine and I flew down to Wisconsin and hauled Magnum, our stallion, up to Alaska.  He wasn't doing much of anything in Wisconsin, and Kristine was going nuts not being able to ride him.  So, we got him up here, and Kristine began training him in Barrel Racing.  I like May, myself, because the roads open to motorcycles (weather permitting).  So, I got to ride my new DRZ400.  K's dad came up for some black bear hunting, and we all went halibut fishing.  It was a nasty day for fishing, but we still have fun.  Both of us had birthdays in May, too.  Somewhere in there, I was part of a pretty huge gathering of the Top Dogs in the Air Force.  I was one of the Airmen in charge of Communications for the distinguished visitors.  I was awarded a couple coins from some of the big-wigs.


June was pretty busy, too.  Well, lets just say from May on, I don't think we slept!  Heh. Kristine started barrel racing, I started doing some more road-riding.  My folks came up and so did my Grandparents.  We all went halibut fishing, and did pretty well.  The waters were a lot more calm this time!  The base had it's annual Air Show, as well.  That was pretty neat.  If you ever get a chance to see an Air Show, do it.  We went up to Fairbanks for a buddy-o-mine's wedding towards the end of the month.  Oh, and for work...I was involved in a huge Joint Operations Exercise here in Alaska.  I was awarded a coin by the 3-star general in charge of the deal.  Cool.

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In July, we actually didn't have to GO anywhere.  So that was nice.  Well, thats not entirely true.  I took a trip up to Fairbanks for the day.  I got to fly up on a C12.  The pilot did a loop around Mt McKinley. Ultra cool.  We did some more dirt biking and fishing on the Fourth of July weekend..and we went to "Big Game Alaska". 


August...more riding, barrel racing, and fishing.  We got a bunny..he drinks beer.  Also, I was selected to be promoted to Staff Sergeant.  Kinda a big deal.  I will be a Non Commissioned Officer.  Sweet. Kristine had done pretty dang well, by now, in her barrel racing.  She had been getting faster and faster each time.  During one of her barrel races, there was a "show" going on in a nearby arena.  She entered a few classes and cleaned house, winning 6 classes!  That didn't exactly thrill the 'regulars' in those classes, seeing a 'new girl' come in and kick butt!  Way to go, honey!  At State Finals, Kristine placed 3rd in her class.  She finished the year with an impressive 24.5 points to add to Magnum's (our stallion) show record.  She also ended up in the top 10 in the nation for one of the programs she and Magnum were competing in.  She will be receiving a certificate of achievement for it!  Not to shabby considering this was both Kristine and Magnums first year ever running barrels!


In September...man...September was a good one.  We bought Kristine's new motorcycle (a DR200), so she learned how to ride a motorcycle.  She did awesome!  We went to the state fair, and I tried going on the ferris wheel...yeah, I don't like those.  6-10 September was moose camp!  My dad came up for camp this year.  I shot a cow moose the day before we had to leave camp.  MMm...so good in my belly!  It took a whole weekend to butcher and package that meat.  We figure we put about 350lbs of moose meat into the freezer that weekend.  (Oh, and we only took half the moose home...we split the rest with the camp.)  We went to JAPAN!!!  I had a class over there for a couple week, and K came along.  We did a lot of sight-seeing in Tokyo and went to a couple museums.  While we were gone, we got snow in Alaska!  It is a SHORT summer season up here. 


October was when small game hunting opens up, so we went out a few times.  We weren't sure if our dogs would hunt, but they did a pretty good job.  Halloween, of course, too. Oh, and we got a cat. 


November wasn't too long ago.  We didn't do too much other than cooking Thanksgiving dinner for some of my troops.  December, we got our Christmas tree, went ice fishing, and, well, CHRISTMAS, of course!  Also, I was in Airman Leadership School for all of November.  Graduation was in December, and I won the top award for the class, the "John Levitow Award".  Very cool.  And, to stretch my "big head" into January.  I just found out that I was selected as the 2004 Airman of the Year for the 3rd Communications Squadron.  AND, I fulfilled all of the requirements for my Associates Degree in Information Technology...so I'll have my degree as soon as the paperwork goes through. 


And that about sums it up.  It's been a good year for us this year!  What's new for the coming year?  Well, we've got a lot of riding (motorcycle and horse) to do this summer.  I may even do some showing/barrel racing with Kristine instead of just watching!  We will be leaving Alaska towards the end of the year.  My tour is up in November, and we're not sure where we're moving to next.  It is kinda up to us, but our choices will be limited to what bases have openings at the time.  We'll find out around August where we'll be going.  Then, we'll be scrambling trying to find a house/small farm, and getting the horses moved down before the snow flies up here.  It should be 'interesting'. 

Keep in touch, all of our loyal readers.  Sign the guestbook (link at the top)! 
