Big Game Alaska

I GOT TO PET A BULL MOOSE, COW ELK, BULL CARIBOU, BUCK & DOE SITKA BLACKTAIL!!!!  It was awesome!  Jake and I took a trip down to Big Game Alaska in Portage, Alaska.  I had a great time getting to pet all of the animals!  We even got to see a baby moose and a sitka fawn up close.  SO ADORABLE!  Of course, I wanted to get in to pet Hugo, the Grizzly and the two black bears, but they had an electric wire around fun!  They also had bison, musk ox, red fox, bald eagle, owl, and some kind of boar.  I wasn't as thrilled with all of them.  The sitkas were very friendly and really liked the salt on our you can see in the pictures.  They are tiny deer!  We thought we should bring one home as a playmate for Aly.  Then on the way back, we stopped at the fish hatchery right outside of Post Road Gate..and got a couple pictures of some spawning King salmon.

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