

With the great weather, we put off Easter cut-outs another day and spent the day outside.  :)  We spent most of it cleaning up the yard...at which one point I was moving a cinder block and Abby scolded me that "Someone would need to go potty!"  (For those that don't know, when we were out in the barns in IL, it was a long trek to the house when potty training Abby, so we'd tip a cinder block as it was a perfect little 'toilet' for her...)  Well, I rolled it over behind a small pile of dirt and left it there.  That afternoon we couldn't find her...all of a sudden we here her say , "I'm back here!"  Here she is sitting on the cinder block going potty...and then she requested that we take a picture!  ...I don't know about this girl.  I have to say, her toilet has a pretty good view!   Then that evening, Adam wanted to put his pjs on himself after bathtime.  He came in while I was catching up on e-mails, but naked with his pj SHIRT around his ankles.  He was pretty proud.  What a goon!


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