
Easter Gifts

The mailman called on Thursday that he had a couple of boxes that wouldn't fit in our mailbox.  I figured they were gifts from the Grandma's for Easter...so I made the mistake of telling the kids BEFORE we headed 4 miles one way to the mailbox to meet the mailman.  ...then 4 miles back with the 2 boxes sitting next to me in the Yukon.  They were pretty excited, but in the 4 miles back, Abby ended up falling asleep...but when I went to get her out at home, her first question to me when her eyes opened was, "Mom! Where is my presents?!"  Then it was a long wait for Daddy to come in from working on fencing in the rain...I think it was well worth the wait for them, though. The pictures are mixed together, but Grandma Chris & Grandpa Dave sent one box, and Grandma Cindy & Chris sent the other.  All sorts of goodies!  There is also a picture out our living room window from the day before that got mixed in.  :)


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