
Adam Jacob Ryun

Adam Jacob Ryun was born April 22, 2008 at 9:44am. He weighed 7 lb 7 oz and was 22" long. 

Overnight I kept waking up drowsy thinking I had been dreaming about having contractions - finally at 1 am, I was thinking, "Hmm...these are some pretty consistant dreams!" So I got up and started timing them - they were about 6 min apart. After about 45 min, I woke Jake up to let him know what was going on and told him I would wake him if anything changed. By about 2:30 AM, I woke him up and we gave the hospital a call - then we woke my Mom and headed out! I had changed a lot since my Dr. Appt at about 11am on the 21st - and they admitted me. Adam's heartrate kept dipping with my contractions so I had to lay on my one side to keep his heartrate up. That made labor slow. At about 7 am, they started an oxytocin drip into my IV and around 8:30 they broke my water. Things took off well from there. Once it was time to push, it was only a couple of pushes and we got to meet Adam! Jake got to 'announce' his son and cut the cord. Adam was very alert and looking around at everything and everyone. His Apgar was 9/10 right away. I thought Abby's labor and delivery was easy, but I think his was a TON easier! There were a lot less people in there (just Jake, myself, Capt. Zimmerman, Nurse Connie, 2 student nurses (their FIRST birth to watch!), and a nursery nurse) and it was a lot more relaxed. 

We were released the next day and all is well. Adam is already gaining weight and I feel GREAT! Of course, I am taking it easy...:) We are now settling in and Abby is a proud big sister. 


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