Lots of Abby

Here are a bunch of pictures of Abby from Late May until Mid June or so.  I will try to put a little text by each group to give more detail!


100_0688.JPG (75263 bytes) 100_0689.JPG (74913 bytes) 100_0690.JPG (80854 bytes)
The above 3 are from May 17, getting ready to go evening chores

100_0693.JPG (89398 bytes) site3.jp.JPG (135984 bytes)

This is after she got into a bulb bag and emptied the dusty dirt right over the top of her head.  We had to brush some off so it wouldn't get into her eyes before we got the camera! (May 29)

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Helping with Supper...5/30

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Playing... 6/1

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     100_0728.JPG (68862 bytes) 100_0729.JPG (71116 bytes) 100_0735.JPG (52723 bytes) 100_0736.JPG (67884 bytes)

Showing off her Ogre pigtails..and playing/being cute before and after church! 6/3

100_0783.JPG (67195 bytes) 100_0785.JPG (67347 bytes)

Opening the box with her sandal that she left at Grandma & Grandpa Ryun's House after Britt's Grad party..6/14