Farm Animals

We finally got around to getting some pictures of our new farm animals...some of which we've had since the end of November - and some we just got on our recent trip to WI!  The pictures are not in any sort of order...I'm sure you can figure things out!

The rabbits, ducks and chickens we purchased from our local small animal swap the end of November, the pigs came from our neighbors farm in November (to replace Lloyd and Harry), and the sheep we just brought down from WI from my dad's.  

The adult rabbits are both does - the black is a satin, the white is a New Zealand.  The black one had 6 babies on our anniversary (12/27/06).  The babies are Satin x New Zealand crosses.  They are adorable.  Of course, the doe was bred when we purchased her!  We also had purchased a buck..but a long story there.  Our 'buck' ended up having 9 babies and died.  Hmm.

No special story on the pigs.  They will be supper in April or May depending how quickly they keep growing.  So..if you want some pork, let us know.  We'll be selling a couple halves again.  

The sheep are Barbados sheep.  They have a registry and such, but ours aren't registered.  Feel free to do an internet search if you like.  The dark ram (bigger one) is Duncan - he's due to be supper when we get a chance, the lighter and smaller ram is Jack Jack, and the ewe is Eve.  We are hoping she pregnant and we'll have a new baby one of these days - hopefully an unrelated ewe to Jack Jack.  There is also a picture of Peaches and Annie (horses) checking out the new sheep, and a couple of pictures of LeDoux (cat).

The chickens are Buff Orphingtons (sp?!) and the ducks are just mixed farm ducks.


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