Local DRZ riding routes!

We live in a pretty rural area, as we're sure all of our loyal viewers have gathered...which makes for some awesome dual-sport 'roads'.  These roads are county roads, but really, they're nothing more than access roads for farmers.  They cross multiple creeks, multiple times, and there's only one crossing that has a bridge...the rest, you go right down through the creek.  It's pretty neat.  This loop is about a 5 mile loop, and it's a pretty fun one.  I'm hoping to have a 50 mile loop put together in the next couple months (pending weather, of course), and maybe organize a group ride with some of my fellow dual-sport riders.    

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I stopped to take a picture of the two-track road that I'm on (called "Dogs Alley") that I'm on, here, and just as I hit the picture-button, a small herd of deer ran across the road...it's blurry, but you can see one in this picture...good timing!

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