Our new house!

Some more pictures of our new place.  Here's the house:

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A view from the back corner of the property.  You're looking at about a 5 or 6 acre hay field:
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This is our wood furnace.  We heat our house primarily with wood right now.  It has a propane furnace, but it hasn't been used in years, and the tank is empty.  We're planning on having it set up for next winter so that if we can't be around to stock the furnace, the propane furnace will kick on to keep the house warm...but that's another project..heh
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This is the barn we're using for the horses; it has three nice big stalls in it. The barn had to have been built around the same time as the original house was, because it is all built with wooden pegs, no nails.  It's really neat.  As we fix things up, we're trying to keep it as old looking as possible.  We scavenge as much old barn boards as we can to keep the 'look' of the place.
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This barn has a HUGE hayloft above it, but the ground floor has a low ceiling, too low for horses, so it is the motorcycle/woodshop barn.  Hopefully, we can do some trapping (probably not this year, as the season ends 31 Jan), and we'll use one of the rooms as a trapping room.
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We don't really have any use for this old silo, but it works well for burning our paper trash.  It's all concrete with a metal top, so it handles some pretty good sized flames. 
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Our Chickens have only been laying one egg per day, lately.  The other day we got two, but it was pretty warm that day.  There are five roosters...soon there will only be one.  Heh.  Mmmmm...chicken...
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We woke up to a strong thunderstorm the other morning.  In Alaska, it's very rare to have a thunderstorm, so it was pretty neat.  This picture (taken through the window) doesn't do it justice...but I thought it looked kinda neat after it passed.
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