Christmas Eve

We spent a quiet Christmas Eve together just relaxing and enjoying the season and our little family!  Earlier in the day, we finally got around to making Christmas cut-outs.  We used the 'traditional cut-out recipe' for my (K's) family that my Great-Grandma use to use.  We even put the flour on our noses like she use to do!  Abby really enjoyed the cookies...grabbing a handful of dough (now, THAT is a challenge to get out of those little hands!) and even helped to make a few cut-outs and remove the cookie cutters!  She's quite the little helper and her hands are always busy!  Later, we went to the candlelight service at our little country church - and there was a whole 33 people there - counting us, Pastor and the organist!  :D  It was a nice little service. Abby looked just adorable (of course!) in her little Christmas dress! Throughout the day, Daddy took a couple of pictures of her hanging out and getting her Christmas Eve bath (he even got a lovely picture of her very photogenic mother...*roll eyes)!  :D  She's just too cute, we can't resist!


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