Our new house!

Well, we've been moved in for a couple weeks now...we're pretty much unpacked (except for a few things).  We're still working on a few projects around the farm, but it's beginning to really feel a lot like 'home' now.  As soon as we get EVERYTHING unpacked and set, we'll get some more pictures taken, and posted on here.  Here's the 'flyover' picture from the realtors website...it kinda shows the layout of the place:  

And here's Aly up in our Mulberry Tree...it's the oldest Mulberry tree in Illinois, and it's on the national register (I guess):

PICT0001.JPG (80224 bytes) PICT0003.JPG (89122 bytes)

Just to give you an example of what we've been up to, here's a picture from the inside of one of the horse stalls about halfway through cleaning it out.  That is a feeding trough that was buried in the mixture of manure and straw.  Heh...yeah.

Currently, we're working on fencing to create more/better pastures for the horses, and we're doing some updating to the barn.  We got all the stalls cleaned out and redone the way we want them, but now we're installing new lighting and outlets.  Next, we'll be trying to find a place to deliver some sand for the riding arena.  Whew!  The temps seem to be holding out for us, it's been around 50 (more or less), but the locals have said that it's been 'cold' lately.  HA!  Again, more pictures coming soon!
